

502 W. Washington St. Marquette, MI

Class Policies

General Guidelines

  • Classes and lectures are open to the public. The classroom is not for private functions.
  • Workshop presenters should avoid sales pitches. If instructors own a business related to the class they are teaching and would like to promote their business at the class, the Co-op encourages them to do so.  However, instructors need to keep in mind that they are providing information, not selling a product or service. Business cards, coupons, or restaurant menus are welcome.
  • No one should be made to feel unwelcome at a workshop due to religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, dietary preferences, etc.
  • Classes must end with enough time for everyone to exit the building by our 9 p.m. closing time.
  • Once your workshop is scheduled, please do not cancel. If you fail to come to your workshop, you will not be permitted to schedule another. If you are ill, of course we will cancel the class with no penalty. Under no circumstances can someone who is ill teach a cooking class.
  • In an effort to keep our classes affordable for as many people as possible, our class instructors are volunteers. Our current class fees only cover materials. Instructors coming from a long distance will receive mileage. All instructors receive a Co-op gift card as a thank-you. There may be some exceptions due to the nature of a class; such exceptions would be worked out between the Education Coordinator and the instructor.
  • Any foods or products used in a class must also be available for sale at the store, unless they are a specialty item. For example, we would expect to have to purchase some items outside of the Co-op for a Chinese cooking class.
  • All handouts or information must be turned into the Co-op four weeks prior to class for approval and to give us time to format and print. This is the minimum date.
  • For cooking classes, a minimum of three recipes is required to be taught. You can do more than that if it will fit in the designated time, and you can even share recipes that we don’t make in the class, but at least three are required.
  • The Co-op reserves the right to make changes to your recipes or handouts, though we will respect your intent.  Email your content to ahillary@marquettefood.coop or drop off a legible copy to Ariella Hillary at the store.  Please abide by copyright laws, citing all sources when appropriate.
  • For certain types of classes, we may require proof of credentials.
  • Please remember that as a presenter you are representing the Co-op to potential owners. Hint: When to referring to the Co-op, it’s “we,” not “they.”

Co-op Responsibilities

We regard our classes as a team effort. People from our community with special skills are able to share their talent with others, and the Co-op will work to create the best possible circumstances for sharing that talent. To assist you, as well as to ensure a great experience for your class attendees, the Co-op will provide:

  • A space for your presentation, either the Co-op classroom or coordination of another space if needed.
  • Access to a projector, computer, and screen.
  • The formatting and printing of all materials for the class unless you have your own. All literature must be pre-approved by the Co-op.
  • All promotion (though you are welcome to promote your class as well). Depending on how quickly your class is filling up, this may include the following:
    • Posters designed and distributed through the Co-op
    • Inclusion in our class brochures and newsletters
    • Postings on social media and our website
    • Email notification through all our pertinent mailing lists (2,500-3,000 people)
    • A press release
    • Handbills at our registers
  • For cooking classes, we will source all ingredients needed unless otherwise requested by the instructor.
  • We will handle registration and payment for all classes. You are welcome to contact us any time to check on enrollment though we will be sure to keep you posted.
  • The Co-op will pass out feedback forms to all attendees. The Education Coordinator will compile all feedback and send it to instructors. If you would like a specific question on the form, feel free to ask the Education Coordinator to add it.

Instructor Responsibility Checklist

  • New cooking class instructors are required to meet with the Education Coordinator to receive an orientation to the kitchen.
  • Send all recipes, handouts, and images at least four weeks ahead of time. Earlier is even better. Please also notify us of any technology needs or special room arrangements at least two weeks ahead of time as well.
  • Recipes for cooking classes must be tested ahead of time. Instructors must be sure that the recipe works when made in the amounts that will be made in class.
  • The Co-op is willing to write a description for your class unless you would like to write it. The Co-op will send you all written and visual promotions for proofing. You are required to provide feedback or approval in a timely manner.
  • Notify the Co-op of all individuals who will be assisting you with your class. The Co-op can usually provide one or two people in addition to the Education Coordinator to assist you.
  • Arrive at your class ahead of time. What time is appropriate can be worked out with the Education Coordinator, but generally one hour to 45 minutes early for workshops and two hours before a cooking class is suggested.
  • Please think carefully about your clothing for the class. For cooking classes, long hair must be tied back, with no jewelry on your hands or arms. Dress comfortably and in layers as the room can get quite warm. Please also avoid clothing with strings or sleeves that might drag in food.

If you are interested in presenting a class, workshop, or lecture with the Marquette Food Co-op, please fill out our Class Proposal Form online, or with a paper form found at the Customer Service Desk. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Ariella Hillary, Education Coordinator, at ahillary@marquettefood.coop.