502 W. Washington St. Marquette, MI
The Marquette Food Co-op and Peter White Public Library are proud to present a series of free, hands-on classes designed to teach young people essential skills for navigating today’s challenging food environment. Each lesson is based on one of Michael Pollan’s “Food Rules”, and will help students learn why healthy eating is important. Pollan’s bestselling In Defense of Food will serve as a guidebook as participants learn how to make healthy choices, understand how food companies aim to influence them, and create action plans to promote healthy eating habits.
For ages 8-14. Library will also offer activities for younger children.
There are 10 class sessions. March 25th is reserved in case of class cancellations due to inclement weather.
Note: Lessons build off of each other in this curriculum. Participants are asked to sign up only if they can attend a minimum of 7 of the 10 lessons.